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The Ordnungspolizei, often referred to as Orpo, was a German police force during the Nazi era. It was established in 1936 and played a significant role in maintaining public order and enforcing Nazi policies. Here's some information about the Ordnungspolizei:

  1. Formation and Structure: The Ordnungspolizei was created by Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS and Chief of German Police. It was initially formed by merging various existing police organizations, including the Schutzpolizei (Protection Police), Gendarmerie (Rural Police), and the Landespolizei (State Police).
  2. Role and Duties: The primary function of the Ordnungspolizei was to maintain law and order within Nazi Germany. They were responsible for general policing duties, traffic control, criminal investigations, border security, and crowd control. The Orpo also played a vital role in implementing and enforcing Nazi policies, such as the persecution of Jews and other minority groups.
  3. Hierarchy: The Ordnungspolizei had a hierarchical structure, with ranks ranging from enlisted personnel to high-ranking officers. The lowest rank was the Schupo (Schutzpolizei), followed by the Gendarmerie, and then the higher ranks of officers. The highest-ranking position within the Orpo was the Chef der Ordnungspolizei (Chief of the Order Police), who was directly subordinate to Himmler.
  4. Collaboration with the SS: While the Ordnungspolizei was technically a separate organization, it was closely affiliated with the SS (Schutzstaffel) and operated under its overall command. This collaboration enabled the SS to use the Orpo for various tasks, including participation in mass shootings, deportations, and other activities related to the Holocaust.
  5. Participation in War Crimes: Members of the Ordnungspolizei were implicated in numerous war crimes and atrocities during World War II. They were involved in the suppression of partisan resistance movements in occupied territories, carrying out mass shootings, deportations of Jews, and other acts of brutality. Notably, Orpo units were involved in the implementation of the Final Solution in Eastern Europe.
  6. Dissolution and Aftermath: Towards the end of World War II, as Nazi Germany collapsed, the Ordnungspolizei began to disintegrate. Some members were absorbed into other units, while others were captured or killed during the war. The Orpo was officially dissolved in 1945 after Germany's surrender.

It's important to note that the actions of the Ordnungspolizei were deeply entwined with the Nazi regime and its ideology. The organization played a significant role in the systematic oppression and persecution carried out by the Nazi state.

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