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Old School Bodybuilding 5 Day Mass Gain Program

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Why old school methods?

If you are struggling to gain muscular strength and size I bet you have tried following a typical 1 body part per week split that most pro bodybuilders use today.

 The problem is anabolics completely change the rules when it comes to training. As a natural bodybuilder you simply cant expect to grow a solid foundation of muscle by training a body part one time, and then letting it sit around for a full 7 days before training it again.

 A higher frequency of twice and sometimes three times per week needs to be taken to continuous progress.

 Am I saying that old school bodybuilders are all natural as well? No way, but back then with the minimal amount of anabolics available, the bodybuilders prioritized training first and the results speak for themselves, just take a look at their physiques.

Who is this program for?

 Anyone who is past the beginner stages of bodybuilding but just haven’t been able to progress since the newbie stages. In the beginning you can grow from anything, but in order to continuously grow you must take on new approaches including more volume, higher frequencies and progressive overload.

If you want to learn more about training body parts more frequently using old school techniques such as pyramid sets, supersets, high frequencies than this is absolutely the program I would recommend to get started.

Many old school bodybuilding workouts have you in the gym 6 days per week and generally for well over 2 hours at times. This can work for extremely advanced bodybuilders but as an intermediate/early advanced lifter a 5 day approach is generally one of the best options to maximize training and rest.

How long should I run this program?

 I would run the program as long as you can progressively continue to add weight to the bar or increase the repetitions you can with a certain weight. This should usually last anywhere from 6-12 depending on your level of experience and recovery abilities. After that a brief deload should be run and then you can either run through another cycle of the program, use one of my other body part specific programs, or have me personally customize a training plan for you.

What’s included in the program?

5 Day high volume, high frequency plan that focuses on volume as well as old school strength based methods.

The program will include the exact sets and reps for you to train with as well as detailed explanations of how to perform the sets.

Ready to start building your old school physique?
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