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G. Randy Slone

Establishing Reasonable Goals
All successful individuals achieve their varying degrees of success by
establishing and accomplishing goals. Many people establish goals
without even realizing it. In many cases, these goals can be classified as
dreams, aspirations, or concepts. Reflect back to the last time that you
were really pleased with some accomplishment in your life. This
accomplishment required personal motivation, planning, effort, success,
and the satisfaction brought on by that success. The actual goal was
determined during the planning stage, but it was not achieved until
the success stage. Between these stages occurred all of the work and
Take these concepts one step further. Assume that an unobtainable
goal has been established. An indefinite amount of work and effort
might be invested in this elusive goal, but the end result will be discour-
agement and defeat. To make matters worse, the individual who estab-
lished this unreasonable goal might become hesitant to set new goals,
because of the fear of a similarly wasted effort and failure.
In my opinion, the establishment of unreasonable goals is the most
significant obstacle that you must face in your journey toward becom-
ing proficient in the field of electronics.
What Is Unreasonable?
For the sake of illustration, assume for the moment that this book is
entitled Building Your Own Automobiles. Few people would buy such a
book—only those motivated by the desire to build their own car
from scratch. Such an idea is ludicrous for several reasons. For one,
it isn’t practical. The cost of buying the individual pieces and parts
to build a finished car would cost 5 to 10 times as much as a new car
that has been factory built and tested. The builder would have to
be very knowledgeable, and experienced in a wide variety of the spe-
cialized skills existing within the automobile industry, such as diag-
nostic alignment, automobile electrical systems, and bodywork and
finishing techniques. In addition, it staggers the mind to imagine the
vast array of the specialized shop tools that would be required for
such a project!
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