Rococo-inspired stays
On Sale
This design was inspired by a pair of half-boned stitched Rococo Stays dating from the 1770’s that are held at the V&A Museum in London. The sample shown in the photos was very much modernised – it was made in 8 rather than 4 panels per side, the CF has a closure zip, it was sewn using contemporary corsetry techniques and the skirts (tabs) were ‘fused’ together to give a fitted ‘rounded’ hip. The notes give lots of information about historical stays and how the pattern could be used in a more authentic way (how you can join the middle panels to create a 4 panelled design (per side) for instance). The flat front is bust-flattening and uplifting as was the silhouette of the time.
This pattern also features in my pattern collection '200 years of corset design reimagined' - a cost-effective way of procuring lots of different inspiring designs from 1715-1915.
Note – no lacing gap is factored into this pattern. If you would prefer your corset to have a lacing gap at the back, make one size smaller.
The stays length measures 34-39cm at the centre front and 42-47cm at the back depending on size. See the photo of the measurements for approximate sizes.
This pattern is drafted in AutoCAD and available as an instant download - you will need to print out on size letter (A) or A4 paper, making sure 'actual size' and 'centre the print' is ticked in your print dialogue box.
Please take a look at my website where I have lots of information about corset making and where it is more cost-effective to buy this design (non EU countries only sorry).
There are no restrictions on the use of this pattern - use to your heart's content. I simply ask that you don't pass on the file or use it to, say, profit from a line of ready-to-wear corsets.
This pattern also features in my pattern collection '200 years of corset design reimagined' - a cost-effective way of procuring lots of different inspiring designs from 1715-1915.
Note – no lacing gap is factored into this pattern. If you would prefer your corset to have a lacing gap at the back, make one size smaller.
The stays length measures 34-39cm at the centre front and 42-47cm at the back depending on size. See the photo of the measurements for approximate sizes.
This pattern is drafted in AutoCAD and available as an instant download - you will need to print out on size letter (A) or A4 paper, making sure 'actual size' and 'centre the print' is ticked in your print dialogue box.
Please take a look at my website where I have lots of information about corset making and where it is more cost-effective to buy this design (non EU countries only sorry).
There are no restrictions on the use of this pattern - use to your heart's content. I simply ask that you don't pass on the file or use it to, say, profit from a line of ready-to-wear corsets.