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Grow, Cook & Thrive!

Build The Traditional Skills To Enable You To Take Back Your Food Sovereignty

A monthly membership with Penny Foxwell & the PFFA

Build Your Traditional Self Sufficiency Skills

Join us on this adventure and discover how to cook, can, pickle, ferment and preserve your own food to become more self sufficient.

Discover how to embrace the skills our grandmothers used to cultivate independence and emotional wellbeing in our ever-changing world.

Penny Foxwell

The PFFA are excited to collaborate with the inspirational Penny Foxwell who after a life-changing event in 2010, transformed farmland near Hastings into a thriving plot. She discovered the healing power of growing, cooking, and preserving her own food, and now she’s eager to share her journey and tips with you!

What Are The Benefits?

✔️ Grow, cook and preserve your produce & learn how to thrive.

✔️ Increase your confidence & deepen your sense of emotional well-being.

✔️ Benefit from years of experience made accessible to you.

✔️ Watch (& re-watch) in-depth practical step by step guidance.

✔️ Suitable for any level of experience, whatever your space.

Join this membership to gain a growing understanding of self-sufficiency.

Monthly Content

  • Monthly Members Workshop (the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm). Replay sent to all members.
  • Monthly guidance on cooking, fermenting, canning & preserving your food.
  • Monthly Recipe Handout focussing on a selection of ways to preserve foods with different techniques.
  • Information to preserve your food safely and effectively, so that you can build food resilience, confidence... and not worry about poisoning anyone!
  • And so much more!

With a little bit of knowledge.....

Anyone can fill their pantry with their own homemade preserves and recipes to help feed their family economical, nutritious meals each & every day.

Why join Grow, Cook & Thrive?

Every month you'll receive expert guidance, step-by-step information, recipes and an educational workshop with Q&A to help you build your home pantry!

Best of all you will become part of a likeminded community, learning and growing together.

Choose Your Donation

You can choose from three different monthly donation amounts to support Penny and the PFFA.

Regardless of the amount you choose to donate, you will receive the same benefits and access.

Donate £10

per month

Donate £15

per month

Donate £20

per month

Who wouldn’t want access to that?

Who wouldn’t want access to that?

Help The PFFA

IN ADDITION it gives you the opportunity to support our work here at the PFFA so that we can continue to drive positive change!

Here at the PFFA we are on a mission to encourage everyone to grow their own food, through practical guidance, community support and education.

By joining our membership you will not only be learning how to successfully grow your own veggies, you will be enabling us to continue to operate and reach more people, more communities and more farmers.