Magic Wand
Wand with Particles!
All made in blender, Unity, SubstancePainter and Photoshop into a prefab!
- Comes as a prefab, you only need to slap it on your avatar and put your wrist bone in the constraint!
Needed: Poiyomi 9
This is a simplified version of the System made for Whituus avatar -Spell-
What is it?
Pretty wand with particles going in towards the tip of the wand with a glow effect! When wand is moved, sparkles comes out together with a rainbow trail like your casting a spell!
Matcaps - Sivka
How to:
- Import Package
- Pull in the prefab into the hierarchy !
- Place the prefab on the root of the avatar and unpack the prefab.
- Make sure the Wand object is at 0,0,0 in the project
- Add your handbone in the parent constraint and click "Zero"
- Then you can move the wand around by moving the second object under the constraint!
(PS. Root means drag and drop ontop of the avatars NAME.)ย
Particle Materials: 4
Particle Systems: 4
Wand Materials: 1
Wand Tris: 2751