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2022 Dark Planets | KBO

[Dozens of Academic Zodiac Abstracts inside!]

#Apocalypse Timeline 2007-2025

2007 Venus in Hydra | Antichrist
2010 Moon in Corvus | WW3 BoE
2011 Jupiter in Cetus | Dawn of the AEon of Cetus II
2012 Uranus in Cetus | AEON CETI
2014 Venus in Scutum | 6G China
2015 Venus in Hydra | Chinese market crash a s predicted to minute second
2017 Venus in Pegasus
2020 Saturn Pluto | WW3
2025 Venus in Pegasus

Venus retrograde in Pegasus/Cetus 2017/2025

WW3 Moon in Corvus corvine moons 2010/2020 BoE

16 Sun-signs vs 16 true-eastern Ascendants in Astrology

Sun in Cetus, Orion, Ophiuchus & Sextans

Moon in Auriga, Venus in Crater, Mercury in Sextans

Mercury retrograde in (c/o New Moon in) Sextans 911

Gemini never rose at east since Krishna

Aries never rose at east since Christ

USA ascendant Serpens Cauda Italy Caput

Don't tread on me USA ascendant Serpens Cauda Academic 1008 Zodiax & Future-Changing O5

Alixe has ascendant and Moon (eastern rising Moon) in Cetus II (AEON);

Juno in zodiacal Scutum; Pluto sitting on the USA ascendant in SERPENS CAVDA;

Venus in (911) Orion and Mercury (Neo, Matrix) in zodiacal Sextans.

Change your futurities before they change YOU {with RTRRT: O5 ETER Cascade PCS}

Personal Cosmic Secretary w/ Academic Zodiac ABStracts

In my |:|::: hour of Darkness NOX 156 MAPIH Mother Mary :::|:| comes to me.  

Bloody Moon in Ophiuchus |:::|:

People past police.  

Obama divorce planet splitsUSA Democratic party.  

For within a global Plandemic � peruse fine words only.

#WW3update #LookUp #Apocalypse #Armageddon #1008planets

* 2025 Venus in Pegasus 2017 | Mesopotamian Yersina Pestis comet approach.
* Doomsday comet unleashes |::||| plague after its last visit 6000 years ago.
* At the epoch: Jericho withstood plague but not Anadolians; Mesopotamia was plagued.
* 2010 BoE corvine moons (Moon in Corvus) mark preemptive investments into WW3.
* WW3 happened with Saturn Pluto (Jupiter) conjunction - as duly anticipated.
* Neo-Fascism on the rise in Italy with Niku Apocalypse in Serpens Caput.
* USA ascendant Serpens Cauda to follow suit as per (historically) usual.
* UK government as asininely adamant in launching endless detrimental directives w/ Moon in Cetus |||
* Niku is a forever retrograding planet stirring awake the Star of the Devil.
* The Devil's own Star is Unuk-al-Hai Alpha Serpentis in Serpens Caput.
* Serpens Caput hosts Alpha Serpentis and Italian serpentine fascist ascendant.
* America has been discovered in perusing Venetian geographical maps.
* The reptilian ascendant of the USA is Serpens Cauda; giving place to ornithological Aquila.
* Serpens Cauda is the tail of the snake - thus rattlesnake - Don't Tread on Me: Tread-stone.

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