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Quick summary: What’s this booklet about?

During the summer 2020, after a long period of lockdown, the Italian government needed to find a way to launch the economy affected by a negative GDP, as well as to fight climate change. The Superbonus is not a new tax incentive per se. In fact, starting from the early 2000’s the Italian tax system has introduced various “temporary” tax breaks for house renovations and energy efficiency improvements, starting from a 36% tax coefficient.

Since the years have passed, this mechanism has been greatly promoted by governments on both sides of the political spectrum, sometimes increasing the deductibility percentage, sometimes expanding the qualifying works attracting such tax breaks.

The government decree DL 34/2020 has increased the deductibility percentage to 110% for qualifying energy efficiency expenditure paid from July 1st 2020 up to December 31st 2021. The 2021 budget law (legge n. 178 del 30 dicembre 2020) has extended the deadlines, as well as modifying certain procedures to obtain the bonus. Generally speaking, the superbonus 110% applies to the following works:

–– Seismic improvements as per the art. 16-bis TUIR;
–– Energy efficiency improvements (ecobonus) as per the
art. 14 DL 63/2013.

Because the Superbonus 110% is more generous than the other tax breaks, the law requires a more complex procedure to benefit from such relief.

In this book, we will explain to you the procedure to claim the Superbonus 110% step by step.

By reading this book, you will learn:

  1.  Authors 5
  2. The origins 7
  3. Who can claim the relief 9
  4. Which home units qualify 12
  5. How does the relief work? 20
  6. Main works - energy efficiency scheme 24
  7. Single owner condominium 26
  8. External coating 28
  9. Secondary works - energy efficiency 33
  10. Solar panels and e-vehicles charging stations 38
  11. E-vehicles charging stations 40
  12. Seismic improvements 41
  13. Compliance rules 43
  14. Sworn statements required 48
  15. Ecobonus 110% roadmap 50
  16. Seismic 110% roadmap 51
  17. Tax credit transfer documents checklist 52
  18. Normativa 53
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