Bat/Vamipre Dancer Bundle
Perfect pack for dancers/Dance avatars!
Comes with:
- Prefab, animations, fx and everything set up!
- Dance pole with Candles, Audiolink, bat, mist and pentagram particles
- Feet Particles that appear when moving your feet.
- Hand Trails in form of red/black mist and blood drops
Bat Spritesheet here
Particle Shader Here
Blood Matcap, Diamond Matcap - Discord sivka.
Materials Pole only - 2
Materials Particles - 3
Particle Systems - 3
Tris - 4k
Hand Particles Each
Particle Systems - 3
Mats - 3
FeetParticles (Each)
Particle Systems - 2
Mats - 2
All together
Mats - 10
Particle Sustems - 8