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Surface Flatness AutoLisp source

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It determines the flatness of the surface defined by the 3DFACE entities (triangulation) in the current DWG. It is useful in analyzing the flatness of a point cloud, which must be triangulated beforehand.
The program will process all 3DFACE entities in the DWG.
The user will then enter 3 values: "Ruler dimension", "Tolerance" and "Step".

The XOY gauge of the 3DFACE area will be scanned by a 2D square ruler, having "Ruler dimension" as length of the side. "Step" is the scan increment on X and Y.
In each position of the ruler, a plane is determined. The normal of the plane is a average of the triangles normals in the square of the ruler. The position of the plan will be set so that the sum of the distance of the points from the plan is minimal. Relatives to this plan, will be determined the positive (above) or negative (underneath) deviation of each point (vertex) of the 3DFACE from the square of the ruler.
After executing the command, triangles with vertices with deviations higher than "Tolerance" will be marked with POINT entities. POINT entities will have the color "red" if the deviation is positive (the points are above the plane corresponding to the respective position of the ruler) and the "blue" color if the deviation is negative (the points are below the plane).

It will also be generated a file of points 4D (with articles of form "X Y Z deviation") with the centers of all the triangles (3DFACE) and the deviation value. 4D files can be represented graphically with different programs, such as our RTOPO program or "Load XYZ and 4D files AutoLisp source"

You are licensed to use this "Surface Flatness AutoLisp source", for drawing or to include it in your programs that you sell.
You will get the following files:
  • LSP (16KB)
  • DWG (799KB)
  • DWG (3MB)
  • PDF (105KB)
  • PDF (288KB)