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31 Day Runstrong Challenge

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Welcome to the 31 day Runstrong challenge.  This challenge was constructed for the month of December to help keep you on track when the whole world gets a little hectic.  The challenge takes specifically selected exercises from the popular "Running From Injury" and "Unlace The Brace" programmes to provide a daily challenge for runners of all levels.

The runstrong challenge is simply great.  It can be done on any month, at anytime and can be scaled to your level.  The exercises can be combined together to provide a small circuit based workout or just completed on their own.

The challenge is yours.  You are in control of the exercise's but the loose guide helps to form a structure to follow.  You may be coming back from an injury, you may be coming back from time off running.  This may be the first time you have ventured towards exercise to compliment your running.  Welcome.
All the exercises will have a gold level, silver lever and bronze level.  The gold level will be the hardest, with bronze offering a scaled back version.  Use the chart at the back to monitor your progress.  Can you collect 31 gold medals? Can you collect the whole set, 93? 

Enjoy the challenge, enjoy exploring what your body can achieve.
If you do enjoy the challenge you may wish to venture into the Running From Injury Series where there is 12 hour long classes helping to keep the momentum you have gained from the challenge and keep the habit of strength work complementing your running.
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