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One Time Purchase

Everything on the site - Single payment

One Fee... Just Once

Just £15 to access everything on this store - and more maps will be added to this bundle as they're added to the store, so you can keep coming back for new maps and updates as and when they are available.

There is no sign up to paying every month - it's a single one time fee.

Most of my maps are just 99p to download, and now with more than 130 separate maps and documents currently listed on the store, £15 for access to all of them represents a considerable saving.

Why am I not charging a monthly fee?

Many Patreon pages want you to pay a monthly fee for ongoing access to their site. Quite honestly, I don't work fast enough to warrant that. I can't guarantee an particular level of output in any one month, so it would not be fair to expect patrons to continue to stump up money each month if there's nothing new.

But with what I have on here to date, I think a single payment to give you lifetime membership is now a reasonable option.

Of course this price may go up as more and more maps are added, but you'll never have to pay again, so the earlier you sign up, the less you pay, for RuneStar's lifetime* membership plan.

* Yes, Lifetime does just mean the life time of this site, so one day I, or indeed PayHip (the platform I'm running on), might cease to operate, which will be a case of, sorry...'Them's the breaks!"

Click the button below to purchase your Lifetime Membership to RuneStar

One Time Payment


Bundle Includes

Here are all the products that are included in your bundle

Kruich's Oracle


The Realm of Ghöspørte


Travelling Market


Borthburg Lighthouse Ruin


South Salidor and Zyvarkia Regional Map


Fulvakis city map


The Poisoned Wood


The Isles of Dhormgast


City of Khostovakis


The Lighthouse at Collis Head


Wild Boar Tavern


The Bath House in Haut-Navalle


Queen of Navalle Tavern


Fritham Town


Salempicre Village
