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Ukrainian Fighters

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The Waffen SS Ukrainian Fighters, also known as the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Galicia, was a division of the Waffen-SS composed of Ukrainian volunteers who fought on the side of Nazi Germany during World War II. The division was formed in 1943 and saw action on the Eastern Front, fighting against the Soviet Union. The division was controversial, as many Ukrainians saw it as a way to fight against the Soviet regime that had occupied their country. However, others saw it as collaboration with the Nazis and the division's reputation was tarnished by its involvement in numerous war crimes, including the massacre of civilians and the forced conscription of Ukrainian villagers into the division. After the war, many former members of the division were tried and convicted for their crimes. The legacy of the Waffen SS Ukrainian Fighters remains a contentious issue in Ukraine to this day.

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