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True Confessions of a Fraud Detective Investigating Dating Sites: How to Spot Fraud and Defend Yourself

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The opportunity to meet women on online dating sites from all over the country (nay, all over the world) is very alluring. Meeting real women in your own hometown is haphazard at best. It is also massively time-consuming. Online, women reach out to you every time you open your mailbox. These women can communicate with candor and directness that is nearly impossible in real life situations. But the dark side is also there. Someone can use fake pictures and borrow the words of love that are stolen from others online. One can even receive Red Cross identity papers and copies of passports confirming the identity of the sender. So what is one to do?

If you don’t play with this fire, you will never get burnt. Nor will you ever enjoy a hot romantic meal with the woman of your dreams. Tens of millions of men and women are linking up every day using the internet. Success stories abound. In a study of marriages celebrated 2005-2012, researchers discovered that a whopping 35% of Americans initially met their love-match online. So what does one do?

I say, “Go for it! But walk softly and carry this book that will enable you to spot the frauds and avoid the scams.” You need to be alert to clues that I will show you how to track. With my help, you will not foolishly lose your money and you will not needlessly break your heart.  Moreover, you will have the satisfaction of progressively mastering basic skills for uncovering the “truth” and for bringing local law enforcers and the FBI to take action on your behalf. . . .

Excerpt from Case One: Nurse Juliet Begs to Visit

I felt some bitterness for a few days. I had been “a love-sick dude” who lost his good judgment because of the attractive words in an email. Had I learned a lesson? Yes and no.   This was only my first encounter with fraud. I didn’t yet have any way of knowing to what degree dating sites were plagued by deeply entrenched and cleverly disguised systemic fraud. But I was a detective, and I knew “what evil lurks in the hearts of men.”[i]  So fasten your seat belts, my dear reader, and get ready for the ride of your life. . . .



 PS: I thank Aaron Milavec for allowing me to post my book on his site.   ~~Adam Rose

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