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I am numb. Bitter tears have begun to dry on my face. I have been listening to the songs of Tracy Chapman that my Angel shared with me. This music wondrously evokes her presence. Yet, now that the Angel of my life can no longer come to me nor can I go to her, the music brings with it, not the joys of anticipation, but waves of hollow sadness.

Yet, I have a rare love story to tell. Some would call it forbidden love. I will let you, the reader, to decide this for yourself after you have the opportunity to read my story. . . .

Here is a brief excerpt:

For a few days after this, my chest was physically sore. It was as though my Angel had gone inside me and pulled some sort of cancer that had been buried in my chest. My chest muscles and internal organs had been disturbed from their usual place. I could feel the post-operative upheaval of this healing process. And, painful as it was, I wanted and needed more.

A Plea to my Dearest Friend

Melt me down;

Tear me apart;

Smash into my secret canyon walls

With Your Love. 

To hear you say,

"Now I want to get inside you. . . ,"

I soften like wax

At these words. 

Oh, do love me recklessly     




    seductively. . . . 

For even now I long to have you share  

This aching blackness within my chest,    

But I need you to help me to find      

The lost door to let you in.


Those who enjoyed and reflected upon WILD DANCING WITH ANNIE will find this story as a natural and in-depth sequel to the weekend adventure with Annie.  The current story explores further how true love tears down the walls of conventionality and pioneers the mutual discovery and transparency of the lovers.

Those who purchase this product online will be given clear directions on how to download this Kindle eBook = (7.2 mb)   Enjoy! 

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