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The Red String Chronicles Volume #1: True Love Found Online

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The Red String Chronicles: True Love Found Online
by Aaron Milavec

Finding True Love Online is no easy road to travel.

I was where you are . . . facing my favorite holiday “alone” for yet another year.  In October, I tried a new dating site,, and only 3 out of 50 women responded to my welcoming messages.  Discouragement set in.

But here is the good news: I was to discover that three is all that was needed.  The quality of candidates here was outstanding.  And my discovery of my beloved Elena (an Italian living in China) as one of these three was so spectacular that I just spent $1207 for a round trip flight ticket, Cincinnati to Shanghai, arriving on 31 Jan 2017.

So, for those who are still looking and for those who stopped looking, I’d like to send you a red string wrapped around the eBook that tells about our mutual story on this dating site beginning 01 Nov 2016.  It’s a very personal story for both of us.  It’s filled with laughter and tears, with awesome pitfalls and moments of unexpected grace.  Most of all, it’s the story of hope and of love that you might benefit from at this time of the year.

Our title is rooted in Chinese folklore.  Elena explained to me that the internet made worldwide communicate possible, but it was the invisible red cord (simplified Chinese:  姻缘红线; traditional Chinese: 姻緣紅線; pinyin: Yīnyuán hóngxiàn) that predisposed us to become fast and true lovers regardless of our separations of place, time, and circumstances. This mysterious cord was stretched mightily due to the cultural and linguistic barriers separating us.  It even got hopelessly tangled quite a few times, but it never broke.  Our story makes this abundantly clear.

Our Motto:  “We deliver the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”


When you click on "Buy Now," you will discover how to have a complete PDF version of my book (1.9 Mb, 110 pp) sent to you as an attachment to an email. If you have not yet found a satisfying PDF reader, I recommend that you download a free version of Nitroreader.

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