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1492 Calorie Meal Plan

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I started this plan on March 27th and ended on April 29th. During those 34 days, I took one Celebratory Meal on March 31st, which happened to be Easter Sunday. I indulged in all the yummy food I love, and it felt great! The only indulgence I didn’t have was alcohol. 

My goal with this plan was to work towards physique goals while maintaining my current weight window, 117-122 lbs. I achieved that goal, as I know my body and how it adapts. On Day 1, I weighed 121.4 pounds; on Day 34, I weighed 119.2. 


You may be curious about the specifics of my Meal Plan above and beyond what I shared. Please be advised: I Create Meal Plans as a service. If you have questions, you MUST book a coaching session. Any contact regarding the Meal Plan via email, direct message, or marketing platforms I use will be ignored.

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