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Dress For Success

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What you wear says a lot about you. Within the first 7 seconds of entering a room, people have a solid impression of who you are based on your appearance. Small things like hair and makeup can nudge people to see you as influential. Knowing this, how can you dress for success? 

Learn how to attract the right people in your life, personally and professionally.


Communication is one of the key components in establishing a successful relationship in our personal and professional lives. But nonverbal communication gets us in the door and plays a huge role in keeping us there. Your overall communication combines what you say, how you say it, and how you look (your physical appearance). 

In this workshop, I cover 12 areas for confidently putting your best foot forward and expressing yourself in a way that you will feel GREAT about and, as a result, will be received well by others. 

The 12 comprehensive principles covered to put your best foot forward by Dressing for Success 

  1. Dress for the occasion or environment
  2. Dress confidently for your age
  3. Dress for your body type
  4. Wear colors that bring out your best features
  5. Wear clothes that fit you at your current size
  6. Invest in proper undergarments and shapewear
  7. Apply the rule of less is more
  8. Get comfortable with letting go
  9. Buy quality clothing
  10. Higher a tailor 
  11. Evolve your seasonal wardrobe
  12. Get inspiration from the right source

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