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New Testament Survey

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Do you want your teens to read the entire New Testament of the Bible? I wanted my teens to read the entire Bible in high school—not just for information, but transformation! It was also a goal for them to use some Bible study reference tools and memorize a New Testament passage.

If you want the same thing, I have what you’re looking for! And I just updated this course to make it even easier to use! New Testament Survey is a 1-credit high school Bible course that your teens can work on their own at home or use in a homeschool co-op class. You can even use this course in an adult Sunday school class!

In New Testament Survey, a one-credit Bible course or elective, students will read the entire New Testament in chronological order, learn to use Bible reference tools, read 3 living books, map, and make a timeline. And here's a fun twist: social media profile pages for New Testament book writers, so that teens can use a Bible handbook in a fun way!

You will need the following things for New Testament Survey:

  • Bible (ESV, NASB, KJ, NKJ, RSV, or another LITERAL translation of the Bible—NO PARAPHRASES!)
  • The Word Bible Handbook by Lawrence O. Richards (Thomas Nelson ©1982) or another Bible Handbook
  • Living Books: Josephus: Thrones of Blood, More Than a Carpenter, Search for Significance

You will need access to:

  • Then and Now Bible Maps (with clear plastic overlays) (Rose Publishing) or another Bible Atlas (can use online)
  • The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary edited by Merrill F. Unger (Moody Publishers) or another Bible Dictionary (should have a Greek Lexicon in back!) (can use online at Bible Hub website)
  • Strong’s Concordance by James Strong (Hendrickson Publishers) or another Strong’s Concordance
  • Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry (can use online at Bible Hub website)
  • Greek-English New Testament or (can use online at Bible Hub website)

*Don’t think you have to buy these reference books. They are needed only a few times, so you can borrow them from your pastor, a seminary student, or a serious Bible studier! Or better yet, use Bible tools online.

Students will:

  • Read the ENTIRE New Testament in Chronological Order
  • Complete Bible Reading Charts to Record Observation, Interpretation, & Application
  • Enjoy Map Projects
  • Create a Timeline
  • Read 3 Books & Complete Reviews or Assignment
  • Complete Bible Reference Tool Assignments
  • Fill Out social media Profile Pages for New Testament Authors
  • Memorize a Passage from the New Testament

Aside from the information packed, consumable New Testament Survey and enjoying the book of books, God's Word, you will enjoy the beautiful photos throughout the book that give us an artistic perspective of New Testament people and places!

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