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Drama 101: Act It Out!

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Unleash Your Dramatic Side!

We serve a Creative God. Made in His image, we love to watch drama unfold in movies, read it in books, and listen to exciting narratives from friends. .

What fun to get on the other side of the camera, recorder, or pen and serve up drama for other people to enjoy!

Students will...

Learn Who's Who in the Theater
Learn to Block
Act using Masks
Use Stage Make-Up
Practice & Perform a Christmas Play
Write & Create a Radio Show
Create YouTube Videos

and of course...

Start Each Class with a Fun Warm-Up Game

When our kids wanted to take drama, Laura and I created this course. It is simple enough for any mom to use and much more fun if you get together with a couple of other families so you have a bigger group of kids. We used it in a high school homeschool co-op and everyone had a lot of fun!

Each class starts out with a warm-up. Many of these warm-up games are Improv. There is always so much laughing and silliness during the warm-ups.

We start the year out learning about the stage, how to take stage directions, and who's who in the theater.

Next, we do some fun acting out short skits and use masks to act out fables.

Of course, there has to be a Christmas play and you can choose any one you want to, depending on the abilities of your kids and where you will be performing the play. We performed our Christmas play at church.

We have links to several sites that offer free scripts, including the one where we downloaded ours. We adapted our play a little bit, joining with the Christmas choir who sang between acts.

January and February are spent writing a radio show script and recording it. Of course, first we have to listen to an excellent audio drama so students get an idea of what to create.

The rest of the year is spent working on YouTube videos like a testimony, movie or book trailer, or comedy skit. Your kids probably already have uploaded videos on YouTube so it will be a fun way to end the year.

Throughout the year, you will need to watch clips or videos for various assignments and you will find them all on this page. Just scroll down.

Laura and I had a blast teaching this course and we hope you will have fun, too! After all, who doesn't love the spotlight?

Series: Homeschooling High School to Glory of God
Authors: Meredith Curtis & Laura Nolette
Publisher: Powerline Productions
Paperback: 124 pages
Age/Grade: High School & Middle School

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