Equations Word Problems - Set 1
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This product contains 10 two step problems, testing students on their ability to understand word problems, write algebraic expressions, and solve two-step equations. This resource is perfect for students in grades 7 - 11 who want to improve their skills for understanding word problems and master how to solve equations. Students will find this worksheet useful for improving or testing their knowledge of how words relate to mathematical concepts. Each problem has two parts: part one asks the student to write out the equation for the word problem, and part two asks the student to use that equation to solve for the question asked
Subject: Two step equation word problems (Algebra)
Pages: 7 (10 questions (two steps for each))
Difficulty: 7th grade and up
Concepts tested:
Understanding of one and two-step equations
Writing equations
Solving word problems
Subject: Two step equation word problems (Algebra)
Pages: 7 (10 questions (two steps for each))
Difficulty: 7th grade and up
Concepts tested:
Understanding of one and two-step equations
Writing equations
Solving word problems