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Keep It Simple Sis - 2021 Weekly Planner

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Keep It Simple Sis

As a busy wife, podcaster, radio talk show host, producer, author, and successful vision board coach, I’ve mentored hundreds on how to “Keep It Simple Sis-KISS” without losing your sanity and soul in the process.

I’ve learned hard work and focus can certainly achieve results; however, it’s keeping it simple Sis and stress-free productivity that delivers a true feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day.

I wanted to create a simple tool for myself AND my clients that could easily and effortlessly help to tame the chaos of the day but also help to achieve our goals with less effort. 

In the day of super technology, smart gadgets, and “Apps” That’s how the Keep It Simple Sis Planner was born.

The key to getting the most from the planner is NOT to overdo it and clutter the pages. Instead, take time to really think about where you want to be. Create a picture of your ideal day on the open blocks. Jot down some motivational sayings from your favorite TEDx talk, You Tube video, Scripture or song that will help you achieve your daily tasks and goals.  Then, take daily Inspired Action. Say no to anything that does not move you forward. Say yes to self-care, gratitude, and enjoying the ride.

                                                                                                                  Coach Pia King, LMSW
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