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AI Images for African American Women


Transformation Recipes


Unlocking the Mute Place: A Guide to Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Walking Into Your Greater Potential

Unmute Release Soar

The Heart of God


Keys To Unlock the Mute Place


Not Ta-Day Girl Bundle


Not Ta-Day Girl


Boss Lady Weight Loss


Wellness Healer Rediscovery


Overcome Your Emotions To Eat


Mentally Fit and Free Emotional Eating Journal

On Sale

Endless Energy


Becoming less mind full to Mindful living


Emotional Healing Bundle


About Me

Anita McDaniel is a Life Strategist specializing in Mental Health and Emotional Wellness. She is the author of Mentally Fit & Free Emotional Eating Journal, Your Escape Route to Emotional Freedom. She is also a mother, wife, educator, speaker, and motivator. She is the forerunner of Unmute Nation, where she has a mandate to unlock the voices of those who are shy, mute, quiet, or muzzled. She launched Unmute Her, a mental health and wellness healing program created to allow women to live a life of healing, deliverance, and freedom. She is also the creator of Mentally Fit & Free Group, a support group for women, and of Releasing Forbidden Weight, a secured group for women who live with or have lived with a narcissistic loved one. Also, she is the founder of Unmute Nation, where she pushes people to their purpose. She holds a BA in English and a B.A. in Complementary and Alternative Health. She is a certified personal development and life coach and certified in healing and deliverance. Anita’s mandate is to help women who are dealing with their emotions by eating unhealthy food and triggers, women whose voice was stolen from them, and those who cannot connect all areas of their lives, need healing, and have a yearning to establish a healthy, balanced lifestyle. She will empower others to get to holistic, healthy living.