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Knitting Basic Training PLUS

Knitting Basic Training Plus

Knitting Basic Training PLUS 
  • Lessons One to Six
  • Training Clips
  • Five Pattern Ebook
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Skills Photo Book
  • Guided Practice Sheets
  • *A 30-minute one-on-one Lesson with Lois Silva (only 12 spots available!)

Course curriculum

Knitting Basic Training Packages

Knitting Basic Training-Kickstarter

Knitting Basic Training

Knitting Basic Training PLUS

Hi, I'm Lois!

I want to help you become a confident knitter. It feels not so long ago, that I was in the same place you are in right now. I wanted to knit, but I was trapped in a cycle of "learn to knit" research and failure. It was completely discouraging. 

Then I decided to make up my own path to learn knitting. And it worked.

Once I dedicated myself to the 4 steps of knitting success, I was able to learn and advance my knitting skills one skill at a time. In fact, I knit my first sweater in a little over a year.

Later, I was astounded when I stumbled into some beginner knitter groups and forums. I read countless questions and comments. 

Guess what? They were asking all the same questions I had asked. They felt the same frustration and discouragement that I had experienced.

And in that moment, I knew what I needed to do. So, I created a program to teach people the life-long, creative, and therapeutic craft called knitting. 

Learning to knit can be simple, let me show you.