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Knitting Basic Training

Knitting Basic Training

Knitting Basic Training
  • Lessons One to Six
  • Training Clips
  • Five Pattern Ebook
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Skills Photo Book
  • Guided Practice Sheets

Knitting Basic Training Packages

Knitting Basic Training-Kickstarter

Knitting Basic Training

Knitting Basic Training PLUS

Course curriculum

Knitting Made Simple

Let's face it-there's nothing more frustrating than doing internet research and coming out of it with more questions than answers. As you search, you find information that looks helpful, but skips over vital steps. It's like, there's a knowledge you just don't have. And worse, you don't know how to get it. You feel like there is nothing available for a TRUE beginner knitter.

You feel that by now you should have figured it out and begun knitting. Maybe you've even tried to knit a scarf, or start with a "beginner knitting kit". 

And yet, it's not quite working.

  • Your object looks nothing like the picture. 
  • You don't know how to hold your needles. 
  • You aren't sure if you put the yarn on right. 
  • You some how ended up with more or less stitches. 

Other people make it look easy.  But for you, it's been anything but. You thought that the hard part was going to be picking out the prettiest and softest yarns. But as it turns out, that was only the beginning. And now you feel like you must be missing something. 

The problem? Looking at all the available yarns and knitting needles, doing endless internet research to find the "best"way to learn knitting, scrolling through endless YouTube videos to find "just the right one" is an endless cycle that ends with you frustrated and more confused. 

But what if there was a way that was designed to make learning to knit simple? 

Hi, I'm Lois!

I want to help you become a confident knitter. It feels not so long ago, that I was in the same place you are in right now. I wanted to knit, but I was trapped in a cycle of "learn to knit" research and failure. It was completely discouraging. 

Then I decided to make up my own path to learn knitting. And it worked.

Once I dedicated myself to the 4 steps of knitting success, I was able to learn and advance my knitting skills one skill at a time. In fact, I knit my first sweater in a little over a year.

Later, I was astounded when I stumbled into some beginner knitter groups and forums. I read countless questions and comments. 

Guess what? They were asking all the same questions I had asked. They felt the same frustration and discouragement that I had experienced.

And in that moment, I knew what I needed to do. So, I created a program to teach people the life-long, creative, and therapeutic craft called knitting. 

Learning to knit can be simple, let me show you.