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21 Day Elimination Detox Diet Challenge Program

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This unique program includes the main manual, the free report, 3 meal plan documents, 3 recipe documents, and the 21 day motivational email document. This nutrition program is available so that you can download it  and start using it immediately. Unlike other detox programs, this program is a whole foods, elimination based program where you remove toxic and inflammatory foods and add healthy foods in their place. The program comes with a manual, meal plans, recipes, grocery shopping list and motivational tips. It is a complete, "done for you" program. It has 3 levels so you can choose which is right for you. You can even do all three levels for added challenge and progress, All content is immediate download of word docs and PDF files.
You will get the following files:
  • DOCX (56KB)
  • PDF (1MB)
  • DOCX (163KB)
  • DOCX (177KB)
  • DOCX (190KB)
  • DOCX (96KB)
  • DOCX (105KB)
  • DOCX (124KB)
  • PDF (10KB)