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The Power of Native American Healing

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The Power Of Native American Healing

Learn About The Healing Art Of Traditional Native American Healing Methods

A lot of healing practices and spiritual ceremonials that are being practiced nowadays by healing practitioners and metaphysical groups have been acquired from traditions that initiated from assorted Native American tribes.

History suggests that every tribe would have one or more elders who were trained in the healing arts.
These people would serve as herbalists, healers, and spirit communicators. The responsibilities and types of healing arts and spiritual ceremonials performed would by nature vary from tribe to tribe.

Preview Chapter 1:
Animal Medicine And Totems Synopsis

Native American rituals and practices are rooted in association with all facets of life and the Great Spirit (God). Consequently, the Native American exercise of "animal medicine" covers an awareness that conveys itself when a particular animal crosses our path.

The word "medicine" in Native American use and in the tradition of animal medicine concerns the healing facets that a certain animal brings to our consciousness. This would imply anything that defends, strengthens, restores, empowers, or repairs the spiritual body, in addition to the physical body.

Table Of Contents


Chapter 1:
Animal Medicine And Totems

Chapter 2:
Sweat Lodge

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:
Feathers in Healing

Chapter 5:
Prayer Ties

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7:
Peace Pipes

Chapter 8:
Healing Herbs

Chapter 9:
Medicine Wheel

Chapter 10:
Medicine Man

Wrapping Up

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