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The Great Astrological Bubble 5000 BC-? - Special Edition

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*)One of the most predictable things in life is marriage; thus dating, baby, wedding, divorce and treason.
*)Normally anyone can predict next marriage, wedding, baby, dating and divorce in minutes.
*)Minute predictions often require ascendant, lunar and alternatively Apoheles' minute ephemerides. That is how we determine the second of the event. The year and month don't require computers at all: you don't require computers, computers don't require you.

*)We just revealed but one of the many reasons why it would be unlikely that anyone predicts global events of importance as they tend to happen precisely at those less fathomable peaks or lows.
*)Said extreme or peculiar positions of the planets are called eons, eras or ages. As we move towards the Age o Pegasus we are still bound by the Aeon of Cetus.
*)Prediction by memory does not even require most planetary positions at all: often not more than two will do: such as in the case of next marriage.

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