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Together we

Embrace being a compassionate mess

Empower ourselves by working through our emotions, thoughts and sensations

Embody Mindfulness and EFT

What you will enjoy with your membership

Each month we will explore and approach with kindness, those hot topics/burning issues that arise in our daily lives. All you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy receiving the following monthly membership treats into your inbox:

  • A weekly audio of a mindfulness practice
  • A weekly video of Emotional Freedom technique/tapping
  • Once a month we will do a live online mindfulness and EFT/tapping session where we can delve deeper into the monthly theme and explore further practices for your own library of support. This will be recorded for your continued use.

Do you want...

  • To tackle and alleviate your anxiety
  • To investigate into and reduce your stress
  • To calm and soothe your nervous system
  • To thrive and be part of an online community of individuals like yourself
  • To dig deep into your overwhelm and frustrations
  • To work on improving your sleep
  • To lift your mood and outlook on life
  • To be a calmer, more responsive, compassionate human being

If you answered yes to any of the above then this membership is just for you

Sign up below and look forward to receiving your monthly membership treats where we Embrace, Empower and Embody Mindfulness and EFT. Start building your own resources and personal toolkit and learn with support, how you can incorporate mindfulness and EFT into your daily life.

Sign up now to receive your weekly treats

Embrace Empower and Embody your Monthly Membership of Mindfulness and EFT

per month