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Dragonia 1 Paperback

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All hope seems lost to stop the Dragonia Empire from enslaving everyone… until the Resistance discovers an island full of wyverns.

Devarius has lost everything. His parents murdered, his sister kidnapped, and the new village he called home: destroyed.

The Dragonia Empire has gotten out of control, destroying anything and everything in their path searching for the Resistance. Devarius is left with little choice but to find the Resistance, join them, and hope he can help them defeat the Dragonia Empire once and for all to bring peace to the land of Kaeldroga.

If you love Dragonriders of Pern and Eragon and you’re looking for a great new dragonrider fantasy to read, you’ll love this series because it not only has dragons, but also wyverns, drakes, and several other types of dragons!

Get it now!

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