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Sunday 30th July 2023 "The essential wrong idea is the belief I am a person"

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You will receive a copy of both the video & audio files for this Satsang meeting (MP4 video + M4A Audio format) 1 hour 24 mins

"The reality, the Truth that we are looking for is always brightly, vividly shining in silence."

"If you understand the essence of the teaching, the intention will rise in you to follow the teaching. Then you don't need the words. The words if anything get in the way. And then satsang, for you, provides an

energetic space in which you can be still, turn within, and discover what you are."

Participant question : Is the path of Self inquiry (Jnana) better than the path of love (Bhakti)?

Participant question: Is it okay to have devotion for more than one guru/God?

(Description put together by volunteers)

You will get a ZIP (591MB) file