AAJURROOMIYYAH: Fundamentals of Arabic Grammar
On Sale
This is the updated 3rd edition of this VERY special project, by the Permission of Allah. This Aajurroomiyyah workbook is more than six years in the making, and there is no power nor any ability except through Allah! The course has been taught twice by Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson, with two different groups of diligent beta-testing students. Recordings of the most recent course are released weekly on the 1MM Spreaker Channel, in shaa’ Allah, FREE for all to listen and/or download. Click here for the MP3 recordings: https://www.spreaker.com/show/aajurroomiyyah-arabic-grammar
This course includes a study of the entire text of the classic primer in basic Arabic grammar, al-Muqaddimah al-Aajurroomiyyah, spread out over 88 lessons, with lots of practice and examples. There is at least one quiz in the workbook for each one of the 88 lessons, along with section review tests and two complete final exams, with answer keys! Also included is our signature “PERSONAL PROGRESS TRACKER”, a complete manuscript, a complete English translation of the text, a brief summary of key points and terms from each lesson, as well as an isnaad (a chain of transmission for the text), from your instructor, Ustaadh Moosaa, all the way back to the text’s original author (may Allah have Mercy on him), from over 700 years ago!
This workbook is also available in print (paperback and hardcover), as well as Kindle. Click here for more information about the availability of this workbook: https://www.bakkah.net/en/new-publication-aajurroomiyyah-fundamentals-of-arabic-grammar-workbook.htm
This course includes a study of the entire text of the classic primer in basic Arabic grammar, al-Muqaddimah al-Aajurroomiyyah, spread out over 88 lessons, with lots of practice and examples. There is at least one quiz in the workbook for each one of the 88 lessons, along with section review tests and two complete final exams, with answer keys! Also included is our signature “PERSONAL PROGRESS TRACKER”, a complete manuscript, a complete English translation of the text, a brief summary of key points and terms from each lesson, as well as an isnaad (a chain of transmission for the text), from your instructor, Ustaadh Moosaa, all the way back to the text’s original author (may Allah have Mercy on him), from over 700 years ago!
This workbook is also available in print (paperback and hardcover), as well as Kindle. Click here for more information about the availability of this workbook: https://www.bakkah.net/en/new-publication-aajurroomiyyah-fundamentals-of-arabic-grammar-workbook.htm