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Dating Harley Quinn- Female Histrionic Narcissist

Lee’s incredible perspective on life has already helped thousands of people
overcome alcoholism, addiction and survive destructive relationships.

On the 21st July 2015 at 4.20 a.m., Lee woke up in a police body bag, his Rolex and his memory gone...

Rewind to 7 years earlier, he’d moved to Bulgaria from an idyllic village in rural England. Not speaking the language, nor reading the alphabet, he built a multi million dollar business and was enjoying the luxury he’d worked so hard to achieve; his life had become everything he always wanted it to be.

Then, he met Angel…

Angel was a Female Histrionic Narcissist.

She tried to kill him twice, he tried to kill himself once, an employee tried to kill him and in the end he tried to kill her! He went from $2 Million a year to homeless in 3 years and sank enough Meth to keep a herd of elephants awake indefinitely…

Brain damaged and homeless, Lee was destined to die alone in a foreign country.

The emotional, physical and financial devastation described is so vivid, you can almost taste it. But Lee’s ability to find humour in the darkest of places will inspire you and reassure you that there is no low so deep you cannot bounce back from.


“Couldn’t put it down!  What an incredible description of such disturbing pathological behavior”

“The way the story jumps around in time but never looses you.  Sublime skill in the art of story telling” - 5*

“It was a book that I just could NOT stop reading and finished in just 2 days”

"The best read I have had in the last 5 years. - 5*

“How in hell is this your first book? No one’s that good straight out of the gate”

“I could not put this book down. And I could not believe what Lee went through”

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