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Vax Wars XXIV - Treason Greetings

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So, they took all your liberties from you. Who did? Or what? What is behind all this global BS?

NASA JPL ephemeris strip for the winter Sun.

2010-Oct-31 00:00 Vir
2010-Nov-03 00:00 Lib
2010-Nov-06 00:00 Lib
2010-Nov-09 00:00 Lib
2010-Nov-12 00:00 Lib
2010-Nov-15 00:00 Lib
2010-Nov-18 00:00 Lib
2010-Nov-21 00:00 Lib
2010-Nov-24 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-27 00:00 Sco
2010-Nov-30 00:00 Sco
2010-Dec-03 00:00 Oph
2010-Dec-06 00:00 Oph
2010-Dec-09 00:00 Oph
2010-Dec-12 00:00 Oph
2010-Dec-15 00:00 Oph
2010-Dec-18 00:00 Oph
2010-Dec-21 00:00 Sgr

The Sun is still in Virgo for Halloween: on Sai Baba’s birthday Nov 23rd it is in Libra still.

a)Zodiacal shift is not mere “one sign only”: it approaches formidable seven (7) “signs”.
b)Yes, they kept sweeping under one big global rug and got away with it for the past 11 000 years or so.
c)So Xmas is zodiacal reckoning time: know at least where the Sun is. Yes, it helps.
d)In the unlikely case that you are so busy lying that you don’t have time to notice they are lying back to you: safely ignore: keep your illusion: believe that at least hell is waiting for you.
e)Is it? You must be joking. The guy has no chance to find corner drugstore, if allowed to.
f)Besides: what good is finding corner drugstore, if you are not allowed to take a stroll?
g)Only exceptionally rare talented shamans, rishi and Buddhists can try and enter hells.
h)So, they took all your liberties. Who did? Or what? What is behind all this global BS?
i)Obviously, the governors who want you bankrupt are not just normal greedy capitalists.
j)Moreover, downright anti-Christian policies are not merely human envy or Christ scare.
k)Clearly, failed religions don’t have Messiah: they e.g. wait for next supernova announcement. 2022±6 months (in Cygnus).
l)You can not be true Self without ascending guardian angel HGA. Sun is faux ego.
m)Consider everything you know being wrong. Why would they not lie to you?
n)They do it all the time” it is called professional journalism. Not only vax wars.
o)Spiritual war is war for Self. Start by e.g. rejecting faux Sun signs and ascendants.
p)Gemini never rose at east as ascendants since Krishna: see it at north when “program” says east. #QuarterSky
q)Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn do not rise at east.
r)So for this epoch e.g. no one you know is “cold Capricorn ascendant”: Cetus will do.
s)Our Lord Jesus Christ was the last Lamb born with a tiny Aries star ascending at dusk.
t)The mind that makes you think it is yours is default mind: the mind of the world.
u)Can one stop thinking? You don;t think: your install does think for you” you are not in possession of your own mind, neither you can switch default mind off. Zen can.
v)NETI NETI TMD can as well; often in less than 20 minutes. Sunnya Sunnyata.
w)So True Mind can be obtained in 20 minutes, so can prediction with future-changing.
x)Default mind will of course tell you that it is yours as you are special.
y)Your Nokia$ being yellower than your neighbor’s Samsung: you are special.
z)It may be painful to discover that they lied to you: just about everything.
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