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The Weeds Collection

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WEEDS: Reimagining the Tam. A collection of five patterns inspired by wildflowers.

Use code C7E64KFZ26 for 25% off until 24 October 2024 at 23:59.

I admire the traditional tam design, with its jewel colours and its precise patterning, the wheel of the top shaping, the feeling that you are looking at a kaleidoscope rendered in yarn. But in this collection, I wanted to do something a little different. I don’t want to alter the structure or the shape, or the adherence to fixed geometry – six, seven, or eight segments give a wonderful canvas for ideas to blossom. These patterns do not, on the surface, look like your image of a tam, and that is what I find exciting.

I have chosen five weeds as inspiration for this collection of tam patterns. All grow very well in my garden in West Yorkshire, UK; some I leave for birds to eat the seeds (goldfinches are particularly fond of teasel, dandelion and thistle seeds), some seeds I collect to scatter in wild places (poppies are a surprising but welcome sight growing in unlikely places), some I root out when their work as food source has completed, and they become valuable compost additions.

Everything has a place and a purpose, even weeds.

Each of the five patterns is available singly, or as this collection of five. The full descriptions of each pattern can be found under their singles listing:

Shepherd’s Purse


Wild Oats



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