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Are you a creative writer who regularly sends out queries … only to be rejected over and over again?

Do you collect rejection slips from editors as some sort of “badge of honor,” as a way to “pay your dues” while the bills unfortunately pile up on your kitchen table?

Are you a journalist, a screenplay writer, a poet or a novelist, a copy writer, or any other kind of writer who can’t make ends meet?

Or perhaps you’re not a writer yet but someone who is not comfortable with his or her current job and income?

You might even be in between jobs right now.

You’re a librarian perhaps?


A teacher, an administrator, a veteran, a driver, a retiree, a shopkeeper, a salesperson, an office staff, or a blue-collar worker?


Imagine you’re NOT stuck in a niche with an income that’s not going anywhere…


Imagine feeling free, fresh and happy again when you wake up in the morning because you’ve taken the correct turn in your career path.


Perhaps you need an opportunity to learn a new skill, something that would involve writing, but with a good market demand, and also pays well ?

Is this you?

Then TECHNICAL WRITING is what you might be looking for.

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