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Thursday 25th May 2023 "The silence that you are can never be disturbed"

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You will receive a copy of both the video & audio files for this Satsang meeting (MP4 video + M4A Audio format) 2 hours 41 minutes

"The silence that you are can never be disturbed"

Tom encourages listeners to enquire into their true nature and discover the Self, that which is formless. Tom describes how deep sleep gives us a clue, there is no body, mind or world but you are there. Allowing love into your heart helps us to discover the fullness of our true nature.

A participant shares a verse from Vivekachudamani (Crest Jewel of Discrimination) about nirvikalpa samadhi. As Tom explains the meaning of the verse, he discusses some synonyms for the Self and how they are useful.

Vivekachudamani written by Sri Shankacharya

(Description put together by volunteers)

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