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Intermediate Beats, Fills and Exercises

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  • 24 Page PDF
  • Printable pdf ebook
  • For teachers and students
  • Grades 4-8.

Introduction to Intermediate Beats, Fills and Exercises

I have intentionally called this an Intermediate book even though it covers grade 8 content, because I believe advanced playing should include harder material than what is found in Grade 8 drum books.

This book has been 2 years in the making. I wrote down the first exercise in my notebook on 14th March 2022. On the rare occasion that I get an evening to myself I would sit down at the drums for part of it and try to either revisit and develop things I’ve learned in the past, or try to push the boundaries of what I would normally play. This was half for enjoyment and professional development and half for wanting to get it down on paper. Some of the time I wanted to make the content accessible too and not too hard. For almost all of this material I could have purposefully tried even harder to reach that advanced level, but that’s not what I wanted to do with this book, so maybe another time.

I have kept the styles in the book close to my own and so there are many styles such as Latin styles that haven’t got a look in here but I might visit things like this another time. One of my strongest styles is metal and double pedal work and I have included one bonus sheet on this, but I could dedicate another 2 years just to this!

A teacher could perhaps use pages from this book for lessons and not necessarily go through it in chronological order. It’s not really written or displayed the exercises in any order, I’ve numbered the worksheets in the same order that I wrote them up in. These “sheets” sometimes have 2 or 3 pages worth of content. I have also included some bonus sheets that weren’t part of the writing process for the book but could be useful in a similar way and are of a similar ability level.

Pages 3-19 Intermediate Worksheets 1-11

Pages 20-24 Bonus Content

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Ebook Store:

Made in Wales. Released 1st March 2024. Written by Theo Lawrence.

1/3/2024 - The Ebook is finished! I do need to write up an introduction, so i'll add that in soon, but I've released it without that to get it released today. Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!

23/2/24 - The ebook will be released in March 2024. I've got some extra content I want to make sure goes into the new book before I put it all together.

10/2/24 - The book is pretty much done! I'm very excited to let it go into the wild but I'm going to fine tune and add to it over the next few weeks just to make it the best I can. Pre order now includes 7 worksheets.

  • 20+ Pages
  • Printable pdf ebook
  • For teachers and students

Intermediate Beats, Fills and Exercises is a drum book focussing on Rock, Pop, Funk and Progressive styles.

Pre Order Now! The book will be released in February 2024. You will then receive the full finished PDF as soon as it's released.

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Customer Reviews


Verified Buyer

4 months ago

Great book!

Súper useful material, recommended!