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Sign Up Here: How To Do Project-based Homeschooling

If you want to raise independent learners, this class is for you. I will share project-based homeschooling techniques that will help you identify and support your child’s interests. These techniques will benefit you whether you unschool, follow a strict curriculum, or fall somewhere in between.

Project-based Homeschooling

In this class I will share a presentation I've created about project-based homeschooling (PBH) techniques. You can use these techniques whether you consider your family unschoolers, follow a strict curriculum, or fall somewhere in between.

It will help shift your mindset from being a parent-teacher to being a mentor. By identifying and supporting your child's interests, you'll help your kids create a vision for their future, which will motivate them to learn. However, this is not about helping kids get into the best schools or putting them on a certain career path (unless that helps them with their goals). It's about supporting kids where they are at and creating a relationship of trust so that they know you are their advocate.

This is not a magic wand, but I believe these techniques can help any parent on their homeschooling journey. I love helping parents, so I hope you will give it a try.

In this class:

  • I will answer What is PBH?
  • Show how it will look different for different kids.
  • Show how it makes homeschooling easier and fosters independent learners.
  • I will help you incorporate it into your homeschool.
  • I will show you my home and how I set up our learning spaces.
  • I will give lots of examples of how I used PBH techniques.
  • I'll show you how this has helped my children find their vocations

We can chat by email or video chat, but I can't guarantee that I will be available to talk online. I'm happy to do this for FREE for one person or for groups, but if you'd like to make a donation, you can do that here. Contact me with any questions.

Before Your Session...

Please fill out the form below and we can start a dialogue through email. If we can find a mutually beneficial time, we can set up an online chat too.

About Me and my Family

I’m a homeschool mom living in Georgia, U.S.A., and I write the blog I’m also the former senior editor of home/school/life magazine. Though we are not unschoolers, we are very child-centered and child-led. I have used project-based homeschooling techniques and a variety of resources to teach my boys a typical course of study, but we have not followed the same strategies or “milestones” that a traditional public school would require. 

As a family, we love nature and science, and we watch documentaries almost everyday. We also love music. My eldest son is a serious classical musician who plays the piano, and he’s preparing to compete on an international level someday. My younger son plays the cello, and he has been interested in birds since he was four-years-old. He’s turned us all into birders. You can learn more about our homeschool here and more about me here.

I get a lot of joy out of sharing the work I've done and reassuring parents who are exploring different educational paths for their kids. Please let me know how I can help you.

Your information is strictly confidential here.

I promise I will NEVER share your email or personal information with anyone else, ever. That also goes for what you might share in my Zoom sessions. I do not record these sessions in order to protect the privacy of all participants.