Around The World In 8 Socks - Sock Club 2021
On Sale
Video Information - https://youtu.be/saq3XBjXAEM
2021 Sock Club Information:
Thank you for considering joining in with my 5th Sock Club … the theme this time is Around The World In 8 Socks! … here is some important information you will need to know.
The Club will be aimed at all skill levels. The earlier patterns will cover a range of skills and will progress from easier designs to more difficult patterns over the course of the year. The idea being that as each month progresses you can learn & tackle more skills.
There will be 8 patterns in this club, with each one representing one city on our journey around the World. With international travel and just regular life still being far from normal, I thought it would be fun to travel vicariously via our knitting.
Each of the 8 cities I have chosen to include hold a special place in my heart. Four of the Citites are places where I have lived and the other 4 hold very special memories and or were particularly memorable and I would love to go back again someday. The cities and the order in which the designs will be released are as follows:
1. London
2. Paris
3. Rome
4. Dubai
5. Hong Kong
6. Tokyo
7. Vancouver
8. New York City
There will be an additional pattern available during the pre-order time, this is my Vanilla Sock Recipe, as well as a range of supplemental features. This includes detailed instructions for:
1. How to work the Modified Heel Flap Adjustment
2. How to add contrasting cuffs, heels and toes for you socks if you choose to do that
3. The German Short row heel pattern written out line by line for every size included in the sock designs. (the patterns come with a generic set of instructions but I wanted to include a detailed set for anyone who prefers that option)
Each design will be different and utilises different techniques in the patterning. The patterns will range from simple Knit/Purl textures, Cables, twisted stitches and other interesting stitch combinations.
Some other features:
- All of the patterns are have the design fully written out as well as charted. The charts will be published in a separate PDF document.
- The patterns are written for toe up and cuff down knitting
- The patterns are designed with magic loop knitting in mind but they can be knit using DPN’s, 2 Circulars, 9 Inch Circulars, or any other method of sock knitting you prefer
The patterns in the Club will be exclusive to the club for the duration of the club (and a couple months after) and will be available for individual purchase from January 2022
The 8 travel themed patterns will be released on the first of each month starting in March 2021 until October 2021.
The Vanilla sock pattern & Other materials, will be available for download as soon as you pre-order the club ebook (this pattern is essentially a freebie with the club), however; you can also purchase this as an individual pattern if you do not wish to take part in the club
However, please be aware if you purchase/or have purchased, in the past, the Vanilla sock pattern on its own and then decide to join the club there is no additional discount. The club is already heavily discounted and as the Vanilla pattern is a free bonus pattern with the club I will not be providing any additional discount codes etc to anyone who decided to purchase that pattern on its own.
There will be an informal KAL running for the duration of 2021 … there will be a single chatter thread and a FO thread for the club in my Ravelry Group, winners will be selected at the end of the KAL, I will also be drawing winners from Instagram for those who cannot use Ravelry so you can use the Hashtag #AroundTheWorldIn8Socks.
The pricing structure is as follows:
All of the sock patterns once released for individual sale will be priced at £8 each along with my usual Pay What Works options which give you 20% (£6.40), 40% (£4.80), or 60% (£3.20) off this price. The club prices given below will be broken down to show you the cost per pattern so you can see the cost savings that way compared to if you were purchasing all patterns individually.
Please note even my Club price will have a Pay What Works pricing option as well in order to make the club as accessible as possible.
Please note prices shown here are excluding VAT, VAT is automatically added to the purchase price if the country you are in requires VAT to be paid.
The full value of the Club is £64 (£51.20 with 20% off, £38.40 with 40% off and £25.60 with 60% off) if all the patterns were purchased separately at full price (not including the Vanilla pattern & Other extras – this is an additional saving on top of what is shown below).
• Early Bird Pricing (up to 1st March 2021) - £20 total and £16 with 20% off code [Cost per pattern = £2.50 / £2.00]
• Pricing while Clubs are running (up to 1st October 2021) - £25 total and £20 with 20% off code [Cost per pattern = £3.13 / £2.50]
• Pricing after last pattern is released (after 1st October 2021) - £30 total and £24 with 20% off code [Cost per pattern = £3.75 / £3.00]
Yarn Dyers
This time for the club I have chosen to work with a group of amazing yarn dyers who all have a link of some kind to the cities/patterns they have dyed yarn for. I have loved working with each of them so far in the process and I would highly recommend that you check out their shops if you would also like to support them. I believe each of them will also be offering the yarn I used for the designs in their shops around the time their month is being published. So, make sure to follow me and them on Instagram to find out when those yarns will be available.
For now I have listed their websites below for you to go ahead and see what they have on offer:
1- Fruitful Fusion – https://www.fruitfulfusion.co.uk
2- TreLiz – https://treliz.eu
3- Birch Hollow Fibres – https://birchhollowfibers.com
4- Dubai Knits – https://dubaiknits.com/store/
5- Seismic Yarns – https://seismicyarn.com
6- Big Little Yarn Co – https://biglittleyarn.com
7- Verse Yarns – https://verseyarns.com
8- Five Borough Yarns – https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/FiveBoroughYarns
Please let me know if you have any further questions in the comments below.
2021 Sock Club Information:
Thank you for considering joining in with my 5th Sock Club … the theme this time is Around The World In 8 Socks! … here is some important information you will need to know.
The Club will be aimed at all skill levels. The earlier patterns will cover a range of skills and will progress from easier designs to more difficult patterns over the course of the year. The idea being that as each month progresses you can learn & tackle more skills.
There will be 8 patterns in this club, with each one representing one city on our journey around the World. With international travel and just regular life still being far from normal, I thought it would be fun to travel vicariously via our knitting.
Each of the 8 cities I have chosen to include hold a special place in my heart. Four of the Citites are places where I have lived and the other 4 hold very special memories and or were particularly memorable and I would love to go back again someday. The cities and the order in which the designs will be released are as follows:
1. London
2. Paris
3. Rome
4. Dubai
5. Hong Kong
6. Tokyo
7. Vancouver
8. New York City
There will be an additional pattern available during the pre-order time, this is my Vanilla Sock Recipe, as well as a range of supplemental features. This includes detailed instructions for:
1. How to work the Modified Heel Flap Adjustment
2. How to add contrasting cuffs, heels and toes for you socks if you choose to do that
3. The German Short row heel pattern written out line by line for every size included in the sock designs. (the patterns come with a generic set of instructions but I wanted to include a detailed set for anyone who prefers that option)
Each design will be different and utilises different techniques in the patterning. The patterns will range from simple Knit/Purl textures, Cables, twisted stitches and other interesting stitch combinations.
Some other features:
- All of the patterns are have the design fully written out as well as charted. The charts will be published in a separate PDF document.
- The patterns are written for toe up and cuff down knitting
- The patterns are designed with magic loop knitting in mind but they can be knit using DPN’s, 2 Circulars, 9 Inch Circulars, or any other method of sock knitting you prefer
The patterns in the Club will be exclusive to the club for the duration of the club (and a couple months after) and will be available for individual purchase from January 2022
The 8 travel themed patterns will be released on the first of each month starting in March 2021 until October 2021.
The Vanilla sock pattern & Other materials, will be available for download as soon as you pre-order the club ebook (this pattern is essentially a freebie with the club), however; you can also purchase this as an individual pattern if you do not wish to take part in the club
However, please be aware if you purchase/or have purchased, in the past, the Vanilla sock pattern on its own and then decide to join the club there is no additional discount. The club is already heavily discounted and as the Vanilla pattern is a free bonus pattern with the club I will not be providing any additional discount codes etc to anyone who decided to purchase that pattern on its own.
There will be an informal KAL running for the duration of 2021 … there will be a single chatter thread and a FO thread for the club in my Ravelry Group, winners will be selected at the end of the KAL, I will also be drawing winners from Instagram for those who cannot use Ravelry so you can use the Hashtag #AroundTheWorldIn8Socks.
The pricing structure is as follows:
All of the sock patterns once released for individual sale will be priced at £8 each along with my usual Pay What Works options which give you 20% (£6.40), 40% (£4.80), or 60% (£3.20) off this price. The club prices given below will be broken down to show you the cost per pattern so you can see the cost savings that way compared to if you were purchasing all patterns individually.
Please note even my Club price will have a Pay What Works pricing option as well in order to make the club as accessible as possible.
Please note prices shown here are excluding VAT, VAT is automatically added to the purchase price if the country you are in requires VAT to be paid.
The full value of the Club is £64 (£51.20 with 20% off, £38.40 with 40% off and £25.60 with 60% off) if all the patterns were purchased separately at full price (not including the Vanilla pattern & Other extras – this is an additional saving on top of what is shown below).
• Early Bird Pricing (up to 1st March 2021) - £20 total and £16 with 20% off code [Cost per pattern = £2.50 / £2.00]
• Pricing while Clubs are running (up to 1st October 2021) - £25 total and £20 with 20% off code [Cost per pattern = £3.13 / £2.50]
• Pricing after last pattern is released (after 1st October 2021) - £30 total and £24 with 20% off code [Cost per pattern = £3.75 / £3.00]
Yarn Dyers
This time for the club I have chosen to work with a group of amazing yarn dyers who all have a link of some kind to the cities/patterns they have dyed yarn for. I have loved working with each of them so far in the process and I would highly recommend that you check out their shops if you would also like to support them. I believe each of them will also be offering the yarn I used for the designs in their shops around the time their month is being published. So, make sure to follow me and them on Instagram to find out when those yarns will be available.
For now I have listed their websites below for you to go ahead and see what they have on offer:
1- Fruitful Fusion – https://www.fruitfulfusion.co.uk
2- TreLiz – https://treliz.eu
3- Birch Hollow Fibres – https://birchhollowfibers.com
4- Dubai Knits – https://dubaiknits.com/store/
5- Seismic Yarns – https://seismicyarn.com
6- Big Little Yarn Co – https://biglittleyarn.com
7- Verse Yarns – https://verseyarns.com
8- Five Borough Yarns – https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/FiveBoroughYarns
Please let me know if you have any further questions in the comments below.