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the toy shop window - pattern 1 - digital download

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With the room warm and bright, they set out to play,
Bright eyes, whiskers quivering, they scampered away.
On reaching the drum set, and soldiers in red,
Two mice tried their clothes on, put their hats on their heads.
One picked up the drumsticks and tapped out a beat.
Gold buttons, fur hats, they both looked so neat.

This PDF pattern is part of a set of nine. This block measures 18"  tall by 13" wide (excluding seam allowances) and features a patchwork background with raw edge applique (sewn without fusible) secured with free-motion embroidery. The applique is cut from batik fabrics and layered to build up mice and their toys.

The patchwork background is of a window frame, with red bricks surrounding, a snowy windowsill and dark green window frame (on 3 sides only). Inside the shop glows with yellows and tans and the mice are dressing up as soldiers and playing the drums.
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