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ABC Of Acunpuncture

e-BookABC Of Acunpuncture

The word acupuncture comes from the Latin words acus and punctura, the former meaning needle, and the latter meaning to puncture.

The procedure is literally the act of puncturing the skin with the use of fine needles with the aim of stimulating the body’s acupuncture points.

The needles may vary in size depending on the area it will be placed, and patients are asked to lie down as the needles are carefully positioned allowing it to penetrate the skin.

The penetration, however, will not be deep enough to permanently damage the skin. The procedure may last for a couple of minutes to a few hours depending on the severity of your health concern.

Although it may seem painful and scary at a glance, most practitioners guarantee that there will only be minimal pain much similar to a buzzing or stinging sensation, and patients who have undergone this treatment will be able to attest to the relaxing sensation it provides.

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