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BE A PEST - Program for Estuary Steward Trainees

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Just about everybody now knows that we have to take care of our environment if we want to enjoy our lives. If you live near a river or stream, you’ve probably spent hours wandering about watching all of the life that depends on these unique habitats. You’ve probably also seen lots of garbage and pipes that spew smelly stuff into the waters. Apparently not all of us understand the importance of a clean environment. So … we need to teach each other how to become stewards - folks that make it their business to look after the environment where they live.

What does a PEST do?
An estuary is that part of a river where it meets and mixes with the ocean. In this case, a steward is someone who cares for the land, water and air so that healthy ecosystems can be
passed on to future generations. And, well, we all know what a trainee is – someone who is still learning how to do something – and that’s all of us!

So, while being a ‘PEST’, you are someone who is learning how to protect our coast for future generations and actually helping to do just that! PESTS become actual card-carrying
student members of the sponsoring group and they get to participate and volunteer for numerous programs where students can volunteer to help collect samples or collect
data in the field.
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