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Shippegan Marine Centre - Design & Operation Report - 1970s

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1.1 INTRODUCTION. As the Shippegan Marine Centre approaches reality, the broader

concept is giving way to the development of details. Among these details are the develop-

ment of design and operational procedures for the aquarium; a part of the overall complex

which has its own unique problems.

Marine Research Associates Ltd, Lord’s Cove, Deer Island, N.B. was contracted, on Sep-

tember 30, 1977, to provide recommendations for the design and operation of the aguar-

ium. More specifically, this was to include development of a sub-storyline for the aquarium,

prefaced with a special critical path, showing:

a) Concept,

b) Introduction to the management and potentials of aquaria,

c) A description of the physical facilities designed for the Centre,

d) Explicit details concerning the Bay and Gulf species to be utilized,

population data, compatability groupings and recommendations as

. to placement,

e) Initial supply of live specimens, methods, delivery and receipt, annual

and/or seasonal replenishment and cost (to be provided subsequent to

acceptance of sub-storyline),

f) Feeding and management,

g) Environmental controls,

h) Manpower,

i) Potential Research/Study Projects for adults and school groups,

i) Summary and Conclusion.

1.2 LANGUAGE. While it was beyond the scope of this project to provide both French

and English texts, display captions and texts, in both languages, will be incorporated into the

final display designs.

1.3 DISPLAY DESIGNS. Display designs presented in this report are conceptual in nat-

ure and are meant only as a guide to illustrate the content of each display.

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