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How To Write Your Camino Story

This two-hour hands-on workshop will cover essential aspects of storytelling, from capturing the essence of the Camino experience to finding your unique voice.

Tap into your inner self

My hope is for you to leave this workshop with a deeper understanding of your unique Camino story, practical tools to structure and write your narrative, and learn valuable insights into the world of Camino storytelling.

This workshop will inspire you to embark on their journey as Camino writers, and share your experiences with a wider audience.

We all have a story to tell.

Walking the Camino de Santiago is truly a unique experience, and your story is worth telling.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Understand the significance of your Camino experience & why it’s important for YOU to write your story. 
  • Explore the unique aspects of your journey. (It’s not just about your aching feet and what you had for dinner!)
  • Discover the power of storytelling. 
  • Learn writing techniques for creating vivid and engaging narratives. 
  • Understand the importance of the revision process.

.... and more!

When and Where:

Duration: 2 hours.


The 2024 "Mainland" workshops are now closed.

An online workshop will be scheduled for October 19th, 2024 from 9-11am AEDT.

Write Your Camino Story Workshop - Online


Frequently Asked Questions

I've signed up for the online workshop, but where and when will it be held?

I will be hosting the online workshop in October. I am looking to host it on Saturday, October 19th, from 9-11 am (AEDT) via SKYPE. Once that date/time is locked in, I will communicate here, via Facebook and my monthly newsletter.

Will you publish my story once I've written it?

I will share tools and resources for publishing, after the workshop, and I have many free resources on my website, to help you through the self-publishing process.

What if I've walked more than one Camino? I have a lot of stories to tell!

I hear you. I faced the same conundrum.

The beauty about writing is that you can be as creative as you'd like with how you share your story - or stories. That can be through blog posts, short stories, anthologies, novels, memoirs, poetry, and more. (For example, I morphed my multiple camino wanders into a fiction novel, and I share my own journey - so far - through blog posts.)

Alternatively, you can write multiple Camino books. And wouldn't that be great for everyone?!

I haven't walked the Camino, but I would still like to participate in the workshop. Is that possible?

Of course! I've worked with others who've not walked a Camino before. They are either planning to, or they are simply interested in storytelling. With pre-questions I ask participants, I determine who (and how many) fit in this category, then adapt the workshop to suit. So please - join us!

Do I need to do anything to prepare for this workshop?

Upon purchasing the workshop, I send out questions to participants so that the writing time is meaningful to you. You will receive these questions, with plenty of time to ponder them before the workshop. And don't worry, it's nothing intense. I ask for participants to think of their experiences and bring examples to draw from. For these exercises, you'll need to bring something to write on/with, whatever is comfortable for you.

And, of course, I ask you to bring an enthusiastic attitude, with the goal to learn something new.

How many people are in each workshop?

I limit these workshops to no more than 15 people, and a minimum of 5. That allows for discussion and sharing (if you want to), as I don't want this to be just me as a talking head. I love interactive workshops. And let's face it, as pilgrims, we love nothing more than sharing our experiences, so I allow time for that as we work through the workshop.

Have another question?

Email me at and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can.

Are you ready to join me?