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The Great Fall (Genesis 3)

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The Great Fall is an abridged, illustrated, easy-to-read devotional of Genesis chapter Three.

This devotional begins with a dramatised narration of Genesis 3 before tackling several emerging themes, such as:

Satan's temptation MO that is as old as the beginning of time (The Hiss Of The Enemy);

The DNA and origins of legalism (Beginning Of Legalism);

More insights into Satan's predictable ways (Satan's False Narrative);

The effects of Adam and Eve succumbing to temptation (Sold A Dummy);

The surprising consequence of confessing one's sin (The Whole Truth);

How the husband is meant to be the head of the home while the wife is its heart (The Head & Heart Of The Home)

The conflicting consequences of Adam and Eve's sin (The Garden Dilemma), and much more.

eBook's Features

🎙️ Link to a narration of Genesis 3

🎨 Stunning artwork

🔗 Links to relevant Bible verses

📖 Length - 44 pages

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