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Scapegoat is an abridged, illustrated, easy-to-read summary of Ps. T. Mwangi's teaching during The Rhema Feast 2023 Conference (Day 2).

In this concise summary, Ps. T.;

Kicks off by establishing the various angelic ranks comprising of seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominions, principalities and powers (Cherubim, Seraphim & All That Jazz);

Delves into how Genesis 3 is a contention of sounds with supporting examples from the vignettes of Elijah, John The Baptist and John the Revelator (The Battle Of Sounds)

Arguing emotional guilt is the gateway to bringing down a powerful intercessor, asserts that while God gives instructions, the devil gives explanations and goes to support his case (Feminine Wiles);

Teaches the devil is an unemployed cherub who once guarded God's throne and exposes his ploy aimed at ensuring we break protocol for interacting with Yahweh (Satan's Authority To Oppose Man) and

Concludes with Christ's finished work and what that meant with regard to our interaction with our Heavenly Father (Paid In Full). 

eBook's Features

📺 YouTube link to Ps T. Mwangi's teaching

🎨 Stunning artwork

🔗 Links to relevant Bible verses

📖 Length: 22 pages

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