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Save The Date (Genesis 2)

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Save The Date is an abridged, illustrated, easy-to-read devotional of Genesis chapter Two.

This devotional begins with a dramatised narration of Genesis 2 before tackling several emerging themes, such as:

The importance of rest for our health and well-being as modelled by God during the creation account (Take The Day Off);

The 'Paradox' of entering God's Rest (Labour To Enter God's Rest! Paradox?);

The dimensions of Heaven referred to in Scripture and supporting verses (Three Dimensions Of Heaven);

God's appreciation for our fallen, fallible nature and why we should revel in our weaknesses (Crackpots Unite!);

How the consequences of sin are visited upon the sinner by the sin itself (not God) (Father God Vs. The Godfather);

A warning to guard against being puffed up even as you accumulate godly knowledge (Knowledge Puffs Up), and many more.

eBook's Features

🎙️ Link to a narration of Genesis 2

🎨 Stunning artwork

🔗 Links to relevant Bible verses

📖 Length - 34 pages

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