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Lights On (Genesis 1)

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Lights On is an abridged, illustrated, easy-to-read devotional of Genesis chapter One.

This devotional begins with a dramatised narration of Genesis 1 before tackling several emerging themes such as:

How to Reconcile the creation account in light of scientific enlightenment (God's Autobiography & Jesus Endorsed The Creation Account);

Lucifer's fall from grace and the resulting fallout (The Luciferian Rebellion);

Similarities between day one of the creation account and our salvation (The Story of Our Salvation);

How life under the New Covenant compares to the Old Testament (Glory To Greater Glory);

A deep dive into how born-again believers are the first fruits of God (Of First Fruits & The Third Day), and many more.

eBook's Features

🎙️ Link to a narration of Genesis 1

🎨 Stunning artwork

🔗 Links to relevant Bible verses

📖 Length - 35 pages

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