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Breath of the Spirit: Photographs & Joyful Words for Gentle Meditation - eBooks

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Breath of the Spirit: Photographs & Joyful Words for Gentle Meditation by Philip C Garside & Alexander Garside – eBooks

You are buying eBook editions of this 64 page book in PDF, ePub and Mobi formats. You can download 1, 2 or all 3 eBooks.

Do you feel tired, stressed, over busy? Does the world around you seem dull and flat? Pause and let these 57 full clolour photographs with simple words boost your spirit.

Photographer Alexander Garside helps us to see the world through fresh eyes, and to appreciate the beauty of nature and our urban landscape. There is joy, light and life all around us.

Philip Garside has added one or two words to each photo and also penned spontaneous short texts/poems/prayers to draw further meaning from each image.

You might like to meditate on an image and its text each day, working through the pages sequentially. Or dip into a page at random. Write your own response to an image. It’s over to you.

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Special Offer:

Each of the three sets of digital products – eBooks, PowerPoint slides, and image sets – are NZ$15 each.

You can order a special priced bundle of all three sets of products for $35, saving you $10.00, here:

Praise for Breath of the Spirit
“It was with much joy that I began to receive Philip’s daily post on Facebook; stunning photography from his son Alexander that spoke to me visually, but also enhanced by Philip’s invitation to ‘Ponder – Respond – Share’ using two or three words or simple phrases.

I valued these, carrying the visual and word imagery through the day, and thought these gifts needed to be shared.

I am delighted to affirm the words Philip uses in his introduction and know that this resource is now available not only for personal use, but also as a resource for worship, small group or retreat purposes.

Breath of the Spirit a constant reminder to
“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)”

Rev Gloria Zanders, April 2022
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